Design Story: Amy’s 600 Square Feet Of Eclectic & Modern Charm

Time Several Hours

Budget $ $$$

Skill Level

WORDS BY The Havenly Team

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Published on September 10, 2016

Watching style prevail over square feet is one of our favorite things about interior design. And we count ourselves lucky to have helped create so many stylish small spaces!

The only difference with this particular small home decorating project is that the home belongs to Havenly’s own Amy M. – our VP of Product.

When Amy and her husband decided to downsize from their 2,000 square foot house into a 600 square foot condo, she immediately jumped into a project with Havenly designer Stafford B. We’re always thrilled to see a small space transformed into something special, so we’re particularly excited to share this eclectic and modern home that Amy and Stafford collaborated on!

Living Room

Boho living room with tribal rug and dark sofa

Amy wanted her new condo home to be simultaneously eclectic, inspirational and modern. When Amy’s designer, Stafford B., asked about her design vision, Amy said she wanted it to feel “like I want to work there.”

modern boho living room

The living space is all very modern and simple and clean. And if you look closely, you’ll notice the character of industrial elements and eclectic accents.


white bedroom with black bed and white sheets

Every inch counts in a small space. It’s a balance between getting what you want and getting what works. Luckily, when you’re working with a professional interior designer, what you want and what works tend to overlap in beautiful ways.

We don’t often advocate for pushing a bed into the corner of a room. In this case though, it complimented the home’s minimalist notes. We’ve got to say, this bedroom is a superb example of perfect asymmetrical balance.

Home Office

home office with leather chair and dark wall

When it comes to a home workspace, we typically think of clean lines and a brighter palette. But we love the dark walls in Amy’s office design. The white frames and mats contrasting with the gallery art wall create a striking visual landscape. It provides just the right amount of inspiration and welcome for a home office.

Tour Amy’s Home

Dining room table with three chairs

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You don’t have to work at an interior design company to live in a beautiful home. And, as this 600 square foot condo proves, you don’t need a lot of space to live in style. Chat with a Havenly designer today to learn what’s possible in your own space.