A great man once said, “Bicycle bicycle bicycle. I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle. I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike. I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride it where I like.”
And we intend to do just that! The only downside is that bikes are terrible roommates. They track crud into the house and have the tendency to loudly collapse into a giant pile of fail. Don’t get angry, though, they were born that way.
Stay on good terms with your two-wheeled friends with these nifty ways to store bicycles at home.
Under The Stairs
Don’t overlook the space underneath stairs as a place to store your bikes. A couple polished chrome ceiling hooks might be the only thing preventing you from utilizing this understated storage space.
On The Wall
Bike riding is fun. But letting your bike chill in your already tight living room for everyone to trip over? That’s the definition of un-fun. Elevate your ride and your books with this elegant, solid walnut Bike Shelf from Knife and Saw.”
On A Rack
Bicycles, meet gravity rack. Gravity rack, meet bicycles. We think the three of you might just hit it off. And the only question with this bicycle storage solution is, “who gets the top bunk?”
In The Bedroom
If limited space is one of your design constraints, then bikes in the bedroom might not be such a crazy idea. Stacked vertically, they’ll be a pleasure to gaze upon and won’t clutter up your living areas.
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Of course, you could just put your bikes outside or in the garage (don’t tell them we said that)…