A few snowfalls into wintertime here at Havenly HQ (in gorgeous Denver, CO) has us daydreaming of a perfect summer day: sunshine, bike rides, and picnics in the park with chilled white wine.
The calendar still says December – which means there are plenty of icy days ahead and the summer heat feels as unreal as Donald Trump making it 24 hours without insulting a large group of Americans.
Instead of dreaming of a steamy summer day (or a polite Trump), let’s be more realistic. How about the perfect winter day spent cozied up in a mountain cabin?
If you’re lucky enough to have a cabin of your own (or, like we do, a good friend you can mooch off of), relax and take in the views with these cozy accessories from some of our favorite Havenly vendors. With a winter day this perfect, who needs summer anyway?
First up: after sleeping late, nuzzle up on the couch with a good book, a snug throw, and a strong cup of hot coffee (go ahead and make it an Irish coffee – no judgement!).
Light a fire and watch the snow falling outside. After a couple of hours, the cracking and snapping starts to slow, and you realize you might actually have to go outside after all – but just to the backyard. Bundle up and grab some more firewood off the pile!
Steel Outdoor Fireplace With Storage
Well look at that – guess you must’ve dozed off. When you wake up, the sun is just starting to sneak behind the mountains. Obviously the universe is telling you it’s happy hour. Mix up a couple of cocktails, grab some snacks, and challenge your comrades to a cutthroat game of Scrabble or dominoes.
Winterwood Animal Cocktail Shaker
Stomachs start to rumble – dinner time! Comfort food is an obvious choice. Put on some vinyl, pop open some red wine and whip up a big batch of spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. You earned it.
Crossley Portable Record Player
Sunburns, mosquitos, and summer sweat will be here soon enough. Until then, relish these winter days while you can, and stay warm out there!