To some, Havenly designer Stafford B. might appear to have psychic abilities. And maybe she does, we certainly won’t hold it against her. But it’s not all clairvoyance (or luck). Stafford’s uncanny knack for translating design dreams into physical spaces is rooted in her tried-and-true approach to design.
Right about now is when we should introduce Jenna C., the creative force behind fashion blog Visions Of Vogue. Jenna had a few items selected for her bedroom design project and needed a designer’s touch to make the space a reality.
When it came time to work some magic on Jenna’s bedroom, Stafford started by getting to the bottom of Jenna’s style.
“When we first started out, Stafford asked me to describe my style. I knew I wanted a grey bedroom because the color is ultra calming… It’s also my favorite color so duh. We discussed different styles – modern, classic, boho – and landed on the word “textural” which describes my style perfectly.”
Bedroom Visions
With Jenna’s design vision accounted for, Stafford got to work on designing concepts for the bedroom.
“Concept 1 is a little more glam while Concept 2 has more textural and natural elements added to the mix, making for two super cozy rooms!” – Stafford
“OMG!!! You did everything!!! Wow I am so impressed with both!” – Jenna
Design Renderings
This is when all of that up-front effort pays off. The free style quiz, shared design vision and collaborative concept review all come into play in these final design renderings.
And once a final rendering is approved, it’s simply a matter of assembling your space with a personalized shopping list.
“It’s like having a Pinterest photo where you can shop every single thing. You don’t even have to go to multiple websites because you can just use Havenly to check out once you have the pieces you want!” – Jenna
The Bedroom Reveal
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We’re particularly smitten with the room’s use of the grey fur pillows. They make the white pin tucked bedding go “pop!” – but not so much pop that we aren’t relaxed enough for a nap. Which is great, ’cause we love naps.
Style Steals



Final Words
We asked Jenna how she felt about the Havenly experience, here’s what she told us: