Spring cleaning is a necessary evil for some, a stress reliever for others, and an olympic sport for a lucky few (calling all Monica Gellers).
But regardless of your stance on this end-of-winter ritual, having some sort of plan in place (and a great playlist) can make spring cleaning mildly enjoyable, if not fun. Plus, when you factor in the mental and emotional benefits (Psychology Today reports that spring cleaning can actually relieve anxiety and boost confidence and mood), spring cleaning is clearly well-worth the time, energy, and effort.
Ahead, Havenly designers share their pro spring cleaning tips, from task management to cleaning supplies:
1. Make It Manageable
No doubt about it: Spring cleaning can feel daunting if you try to tackle all your tasks in a single day or weekend. To make it more approachable, take your massive to-do list and break it down into weekly tasks. For example, dedicate week one to your kitchen and dining room, and tackle one big project each day, like deep-cleaning the oven, organizing your spice cabinet, or cleaning out the fridge and freezer. Tackle your living room and common areas in week two, the bedrooms in week three, and so on.
2. Queue Up a Favorite Podcast or Playlist
Just because spring cleaning is a chore, that doesn’t mean it needs to feel like a chore. To set a positive mood, queue up a solid playlist, a favorite podcast, or comfort TV show, open the windows to let the fresh spring air inside, and light a candle. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and focus on sparking joy, and by all means, take dance breaks.
3. Stock Up on Your Favorite Products
Speaking of tapping into things you enjoy, stock up on your favorite cleaning products before embarking on spring cleaning 2022. Whether it’s aesthetically-pleasing cleaning products (this brass toilet brush, though), non-toxic solvents and sprays, sustainable packaging, or a combination of the three, using products you personally love and align with can make the process that much more enjoyable.
4. Start at Eye-Level
A great spring cleaning tip that will give you an instant feeling of accomplishment? Clean items at eye-level first. Tackling the low-hanging fruit will give you that spark of momentum and energy you need to keep going until every nook and cranny of your space is sparkling. We also recommend organizing low-key satisfying areas, like kitchen junk drawers or silverware pull-outs — what’s better than a functional, immaculate kitchen?!
5. Give Your Closet Some Love
Closets are one of those spaces that immediately benefit from a deep clean. Invest in matching velvet hangers, shoe organizers, closet hooks, and bag organizers to optimize your space, and take your time sifting through old jewelry, perfume, and accessories. Plus, a new season is a terrific time to evaluate your wardrobe. If there’s anything that you haven’t worn in at least a year, and you don’t see yourself wearing again in the next six-plus months, it’s probably time to donate.
6. Lay It All Out
When organizing small catch-alls like drawers and cabinets, start by pulling everything out and taking inventory. This gives you a chance to see exactly what’s been hiding in the back of your pantry or in the depths of your sock drawer. Toss, donate, or group like-items accordingly to purge clutter and create an organizational system. Each space will get even more messy and chaotic before it improves, but it’s all part of the process.
7. Invest in Organizational Products
Speaking of organization, life-saving products like drawer dividers, matching hangers, woven storage bins, cord boxes, stackable shelves, pantry canisters, pan organizers, and more will elevate your decluttering game to another level. With the right tools, every item will have a home, down to that extra pepper shaker and assortment of hair ties.
8. Tackle That Outdoor Chore You've Been Avoiding
Whether it’s raking the flower beds or washing the windows, we all have that dreaded chore that we just can’t bring ourselves to tackle. But why not use spring cleaning as an opportunity to finally check it off your to-do list once and for all? Spring is a great time to tackle labor-intensive exterior projects before perennials pop up again — it’ll give you a clean slate to work with come May. Plus, it’s basically a free back and shoulder workout (no weights required).
9. Deep Clean Your Appliances
Let’s face it: kitchen doesn’t really feel clean unless the appliances are clean. While scrubbing down the microwave and cleaning refrigerator shelves are among the most dreaded spring cleaning tasks, this routine maintenance keeps your appliances in good working order. Make sure to give your oven, stove, coffee maker, microwave, and fridge a good deep clean (outside and in).
10. End With a Refreshing Scent
When it comes to creating a serene, spring-ready home, scent matters. Whether it’s a favorite candle, essential oil diffuser, or room spray, spritz a refreshing scent around your space, including bathrooms and closets. You can even throw a few dryer sheets into linen drawers for added freshness. These finishing touches will eradicate the smell of cleaning products and signal the official start to spring.
From spring cleaning to perfecting room flow, our designers are chock-full of expert tips. Check out our design packages to work with a design pro one-on-one.