How To Get Your Home Ready To Sell

Time Several Hours

Budget $ $$$

Skill Level

WORDS BY The Havenly Team

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Published on May 17, 2018

Are you looking to sell your home this season? Getting a home ready to be shown can be a daunting, but necessary step towards making the sale. Our design experts share a few tips on what steps to take before putting your house on the market.

The most obvious — pack up personal photos and books. You want potential buyers to feel like they can picture themselves in your home, which can be hard to do when you’re confronted by a gallery wall of someone else’s family. Kitchens and bathroom counters should also be cleared; consider packing every day items to a box or bin that can be tucked away in a closet or cabinet when the house is being shown.

Nail holes in the wall? Jammed drawers? Ratty bed spread? These small (but noticeable!) details can distract a buyer from the value of your home; it’ll likely take you just one weekend to make a lot of small updates that can make or break a deal. If you made some… unique paint color choices in the past, consider re-painting in a neutral color to make the home appear more universal in style.

This one is obvious, and often times worth getting some professional help with. Wipe down all baseboards, clear cobwebs from ceiling corners, clean the fridge, and bleach all tile grout. Buyers don’t want to see someone else’s dirt and grime in their potential new home!
First impression is everything! Mow the lawn, trim the bushes, sweep the porch, and ensure that your house number is clearly visible. If a buyer can’t see the walkway to get in, it’s
less likely they will want to enter the house for a viewing.
With a little elbow grease and organization, any home can be a clean slate for a potential buyer. And, if you need a little help with the finishing touches, we’re always ready to provide some advice on whatever design dilemma you’re facing.

Words by Elyza Brillantes