New Year, New You… right? 2021 has finally arrived, and I’m sure you are thinking about things that you’d like to change this year. I know I am. The first thing I want to change is actually getting to a place where it’s safe to see people IRL – but that’s for another post.
After spending so much time in my house over the holidays, I started getting excited about some changes to how I think about, and interact with, my home in 2021. I’m not calling them resolutions this year because the phrase “New Year’s Resolution” is a little anxiety inducing for me, and after a year like the last, I think we all deserve to take it easy on ourselves, right? Instead, I’m calling them intentions – to make the most out of my home, and make my space feel comfortable for me and my family. I hope some of them will inspire you as you think about how you want to live in your space this year.

Intention #1: Reuse instead of buy
I feel like I’m always looking for new ways to accessorize and decorate the spaces I spend a lot of time in. Once I spend time somewhere for long enough, I get a little sick of things and begin looking to make a change – whether simple things like refreshing the pillows or feeling antsy to swap out furniture. This year, instead of reaching for my wallet and buying something new, I’ll crave that variety by repurposing or rearranging items I already have. Maybe I switch out the art with pieces that are in less visible locations, or maybe I try a different layout for my great room. Regardless, hopefully this intention will satisfy my decorating itch, while still being budget friendly.

Intention #2: Organize as I go
Have you ever gone on an organizing binge? I did over the holidays… my junk drawers, Tupperware drawers, mudroom and garage were A MESS. This year, rather than waiting for the annual purge, I hope that I can just keep things organized throughout the year – put things away neatly in their place every time I use something, label containers and shelves and stick to that organizational scheme, and generally keep things tidy. That way entropy doesn’t set in, resulting in closets and drawers that are impossible to sort through, and a general feeling of clutter claustrophobia (a very real psychological condition where mess causes stress). If this intention is striking a chord with you, check out our pro tips for decluttering your space.

Intention #3: Go green
This year, I’m excited to bring more simple, inexpensive but delightful touches throughout my home. I’m going to try and maintain small vases of fresh cut flowers around the house, and really step up my greenery game. When life gets busy, I forget to water, prune, or buy flowers – so I hope this is a reminder to slow down, quite literally smell the roses, and make sure the environment around me has some joy in it. Here are more ways to weave the natural world into your home this coming year.

Intention #4: Double down on the home office
I must be the last person in the country to have no dedicated space in my home for an office. I think to some degree I was struggling a bit with the relative permanence of ‘working from home’ indefinitely. Instead, I roamed around the house, perching on sofas or at the kitchen counter for my zoom calls (being near the microwave for my 3pm pizza bite fix had its perks, but perhaps another 2021 intention should be “more veggies, less pizza bites”? Nah…). Since working from home – or at least working flexibly is bound to be a larger part of our future – I’m finally going to pull the trigger on a productive home office. I want it to be cheery, organized and have great lighting. I’m currently working with my Havenly designer on getting this done, and I’m excited!

Intention #5: Don't sweat the small stuff
In my nearly all white home, I’ve always been petrified about all the spills and messes that come along with actually living in it. This means I’m constantly chasing the kids around with towels, putting coasters under errant wine glasses, or always straightening something. Making things look perfect really takes a toll, and certainly gets in the way of real life moments. This year, I’m vowing to be a lot more relaxed, and let my family actually live in and enjoy the home. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll need to plan for things better – more mixed storage for the kids to throw in their toys. Pretty placemats so everyone feels comfortable eating at the counter without etching our notoriously finicky marble countertops. Or even extra paint for those quick touch ups after grubby hands smear the walls. A little thoughtful preparation helps me loosen up about how we spend time in our home, and what can be better than that?

There you have it: my main five intentions for the home (at least as of today). What about you? Did you make any resolutions or goals for yourself this year? Are you excited to do something different in 2021 with your home?
Create a fresh start this year by taking our Havenly style quiz and find the perfect designer to help you make your home goals a reality.